Challenges in the Western Balkans: Infrastructure and Development in the Region
Event location: Tirana, Albania
Type: Special Events
EPOKA University, one of five MCU signatories in Albania, hosted, on March 28-30, 2023 the IFEES/GEDC Higher Education Engineering Conference.
The MCO was invited to be a partner and to present and explore with the 200 participants the importance of the Magna Charta Universitatum for enhancing the role of universities within society. The International Federation of Engineering Education Societies, the Global Engineering Deans Council were the other international partners of the event.
During the opening session, the Secretary General of the MCO, David Lock, introduced the Magna Charta Universitatum and emphasized the importance of universities engaging with a respond to the aspirations and challenges of the world and the communities they serve to benefit humanity and contribute to sustainability and the need for universities to have a reliable social contract with civil society.
David also participated as a panellist the academic leadership roundtable discussion on the university’s role in regional development during challenging times. He shared the importance of universities knowing and living their values and developing them in association with stakeholders. Ways in which universities might engage with society were explored and examples were given of how universities around the world had been successful in adding value to their stakeholders and society and enhancing the standing of their university.
Finally, he facilitated a workshop on the theme of fundamental values as the basis of a reliable social contract with civil society. A vibrant group comprising rectors, senior staff and students addressed the theme. The group work revealed the many ways in which the MCU 2020 provides a very practical foundation – hopefully encouraging universities to review how their values might enhance the impact of their activities.