Conference of the Americas features MCO presentation
Date: 20 OCTOBER 2021
Type: Special Events
A team from the Magna Charta Observatory presented two aspects of the MCO's work at the Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAIE) on 20 October.
The team comprising Council member Professor Marcelo Knobel, Professor Marta Losada, student Tamires Gomes Sampaio and the MCO Secretary General David Lock showed how the MCO was helping universities to serve society better through focussing on values.
They introduced the new Magna Charta Universitatum 2020 and the reasons why it had become necessary. The introduction of more explicit responsibilities towards developing a relaible contract with civil society was a particular feature.
Marcelo gave a first hand account of how the Living Values project had been implemented in UNICAMP, the university of which he had been rector until quite recently. Tamires made clear the importance and benefits of including students as active participants in the learning process and the running of universities.
To watch the recording, or see the presentation, click on the links at the right of this page.
More information about MCU 2020 and the Living Values project can be found at