The Magna Charta Observatory has 87 signatory universities in Ukraine and stands with them and with all universities in Ukraine at this time
The Magna Charta Observatory has 87 signatory universities in Ukraine and stands with them and with all universities in Ukraine at this time
One of those universities, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, wrote to us as follows on 24 February 2022.
‘We call upon all academia who stand for democratic values and ideals of peace, do not turn away from the aggressive attacks Russia is operating now in Ukraine!
‘Our University has always united pro-active students, professors, researchers and citizens whose calling is to serve people, community and society, by practicing democracy and liberty. We have been open and firm about defending these values in former and present dark hours for our nation.
‘The enemy is forcing us through new challenges, and we are facing them with unwavering faithfulness to our principles. It is wrong to remain neutral, expectant or conciliating with the aggressor’s army on our territory – they won’t stop, they just started. In unity and determination, we can avert the military threat to the whole Europe.
‘The University Community is appealing to all universities to urge their statesmen and governments and cut all cooperation with Russia – economic, political, educational. Instead, do not let their ships in your ports, nor jets in your air, nor money in your banks.
‘Russia has massively been bombarding Ukraine all day long, both military units and ordinary citizens, killing the elderly, the children – all of us, disregarding all laws, manners, or conventions. Ukrainian Army is defending us, mightily and boldly, and by tomorrow it will double in force, for our men have been conscripting non-stop all day, ready to defend their own land. Be with us in this trying time of need!
‘We are sure that our determination and your support will bring the victory closer!
We stay strong!
Stay with Ukraine!
Thank you in advance!’
We hope that fellow signatories of the Magna Charta Universitatum will provide such support as they are able to universities and scholars in Ukraine at this time so that their work may continue in the extremely challenging circumstances in which they now find themselves.
Magna Charta Observatory.
27 February 2022
Published on 28 February 2022