11 May 2022 - 1530 CET Webinar on Zoom
REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/325569817087
Much is spoken and written about academic freedom. It is one of the fundamental tenets of the Magna Charta Universitatum. It is under attack in various countries around the globe. Surveys have shown that many academics don’t know the policy of their university on academic freedom. So what are the roots of academic freedom, and how are universities to promote and preserve this fundamental right and responsibility in practice?
This webinar will look at what academic freedom is and why it is important. It will look at its roots in global documents and how these are being put into practice in universities around the world.
It will also focus on academic freedom from the perspectives of institutional leaders and academic staff.
Dr Milica Popovic, coordinator of GOAF, will present an overview of existing regulatory frameworks on the global level, setting out the international roots of academic freedom.
Professor Julius Weinberg, former Vice-Chancellor Kingston University, London will address academic freedom from a practical operational perspective.
Professor Maria Kronfeldner, Department of Philosophy, Central European University.
The presentations will be followed by questions and discussion.
The webinar is open to all in Universities, Ministries and the higher education sector.
Published on 22 April 2022