WAHED 2021: Who will be going to university in 2030?

MCO invites you to the conference of its parner WAHED Wednesday 17 November 2021

  • In countries throughout the world, where we have evidence, higher education participation is unequal in over 90%.
  • Across 76 of the lowest income countries, the poorest people are 20 times less likely to complete a HE course than the richest.
  • Across 23 countries of the OECD, a child’s chances of participating in tertiary education are twice as high if at least one of their parents has completed upper-secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education.


In order to effect change we need higher education representatives across the world to come together and highlight inequity and the steps that are needed to make education more equitable.

We are therefore urging you to encourage colleagues in your own organisations, and throughout your networks to also attend the event.

Please, click here: https://worldaccesshe.com/event/wahed-2021-who-will-be-going-to-university-in-2030/

To learn about how to engage with WAHED in other ways by organising an event or supporting us on social media please go to https://worldaccesshe.com/get-involved/.

Published on 20 October 2021