Contemporary Threats and Opportunities

Ivano Dionigi, Rector
University of Bologna

Opening Address  

Üstün Ergüder, President of the Council
Magna Charta Observatory, Bologna

Highlights of the Observatory Activities

Öktem Vardar, Secretary General
Magna Charta Observatory, Bologna

Keynote Address of the Conference

Hans van Ginkel, Honorary Professor
Utrecht University, Netherlands

Report from the US: Impacts on Academic Freedom

and Autonomy of Accreditation, State Quality 
Assurance Processes, and the Rating Game
Robert Berdahl, Professor Emeritus
University of Maryland, USA

Quality Assurance: Friend or Foe?

Peter Williams, ENQA and Former Chief Executive

Do Rankings Do What They Claim to Do?

Is it Time to Move Beyond Rankings? 
Ellen Hazelkorn, Vice-President
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

Rankings and Institutional Autonomy  

Gero Federkeil, Vice-President IREG – Observatory
On Academic Rankings and Excellence – Centre for 
Higher Education Development, Germany

Quality Assessment in Italian Higher Education

Fiorella Kostoris, Governing Council
Italian Quality Assurance Agency – ANVUR, Rome

Can quality assurance harm Academic Freedom?

A Short Case Study from Germany
Jens Jungblut, Member of the Council
Magna Charta Observatory, Bologna

Does Quality Assurance Threaten Institutional

Autonomy and Academic Freedom?
Colin Tück, Director European Quality Assurance
Register for Higher Education – EQAR, Brussels

Does Quality Assurance Threaten Institutional

Autonomy and Academic Freedom?
Judith Eaton, President
Council for Higher Education Accreditation, USA

Defining Quality

Lee Harvey, Professor Emeritus
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Institutional Autonomy and Academic Freedom in Light

of the new Conditions under which Higher Education Operates
Martina Vukasovic, Member of the Council
Magna Charta Observatory, Bologna

Keynote Address of the Ceremony

Romano Prodi, Economist, formerly President of the 
European Commission and Italian President of the Council of Ministers

Concluding Remarks  

Üstün Ergüder, President of the Council
Magna Charta Observatory, Bologna

Final Greetings

Fabio Roversi-Monaco, Honorary President
Magna Charta Observatory, Bologna

The speakers

Magna Charta Observatory Publications